The best season ever

Dear Summer,

For a few weeks after Labor Day I pretend you won’t leave me. I stroll along the empty beach and wade, alone, in the still-warm water. Trees somewhere else might be screaming with color and light, but here at the shore, the sky is higher and the sea darker. Tiny sanderlings dart from the waves at my feet. I close my eyes and breathe you in, thinking you’re the best season and I will love you forever.

Then, with a quick sweep of goldenrod over the dunes, you’re gone.

I’ll admit to having feelings for Fall, but left as I am, now, with earlying evenings and doles of rain, I’m tempted to flee south and pursue you elsewhere. It’s nothing serious, yet, but there will be apple orchards and pumpkin farms to visit and cranberries ripening in the Pine Barrens. I think you should know that Autumn will tempt my heart away if you’re not generous enough with sunny days.

Icy arrows are pointing the way. Egrets and plovers and laughing gulls blend feathers with sky and are gone with you.

I want to go, too.

I want your misty dawns and searing afternoons, your shimmering lakes and dusks freckled with fireflies. I want sun-warmed tomatoes and fresh strawberries.


Missing you already,

Reluctant Chicken Farmer revealed

When he’s not tending to his chickens or garden, or ranting about something or other, my brother Kevin moonlights as a computer geek.

Isn’t he cute?

We got together tonight so he could load PhotoShop onto my shiny new Mac, but there was a technical snafu, so that didn’t happen.

My computer geek brother brought home the Windows version of PS rather than the Mac version.

(rolling my eyes)

I took the opportunity to harass him some about not updating his blog in weeks. I helped my niece with her math homework. I got a tour of his new barn, but the chickens were already asleep.

Early-risers apparently.

Do you have a sibling with a skill that makes them your *go-to person* for something? What is it? Do they usually come through for you?


In addition to his computer skills, I can always count on Kev to keep me laughing.

Back among the living

I’ve been pretty out of it the last couple days… funny how not feeling well can so easily reduce one’s *to-do list* to the barest of essentials, things like:

finding the very softest spot on the pillow to lay my head

keeping the tips of my toes under a blanket; my upper body was alternately (maddeningly!) hot or cold, but those toes had better be covered!

dreaming up something (anything!) that would make my sore throat feel better… chocolate pudding (somewhat)… popsicles (didn’t last long enough)… warm saltwater (ick, but effective)… coffee (felt awful; you can imagine the state that had me in!)… chicken soup (nice, but the noodles felt like they were getting stuck way back in my throat)

TMI, I know.

Anyway… I was at the doc in a box place before they even opened on Saturday morning.

And back at the pharmacist on Sunday morning wondering if the darn antibiotics shouldn’t have me feeling at least a little bit better by now?

I have to be desperate before I’ll see a doctor. Once I’ve taken that risk, I expect to be rewarded with feeling better pretty quickly. Waiting on meds to work their magic is hard when you’ve hardly slept or ate or done anything without a small measure of pain for a few days.

Builds compassion for others who are genuinely sick though, I think.

I felt the first tinges of an appetite returning late last night and managed a whole bowl of cream of broccoli soup.

Then I slept like a zombie and this morning there was coffee again.


Today I’m aching to be out with my camera capturing more of that late summer light.

i’ve been

swooning over skimmers

contemplating colors for toenails

thinking about a perfect day

staring at a september sky from the shade of my very favorite lighthouse

reading books in bed

finding peace in the sweet lullaby of waves outside my window

flipping rocks to find nothing underneath but sun-warmed crickets and roly-poly bugs

feeling ridiculously happy

loving the way the late afternoon sun makes everything beautiful

marveling at the fall flight of osprey and eagles and peregrine falcons

contemplating colors for toenails

(over-thinking it, probably)

feeling thankful for monarch butterflies and the people who love them

wondering if forever means tomorrow, too

deciding now is what matters most

finding that places remembered have changed

falling in love again, anyway

dreaming of enough days to make up for lost time

enjoying the peculiar kitsch of the jersey shore

the sharing of it and the sand between our toes

indulging the last weekend of summer

cape may finally!

(i’ve been busy)

Just me rambling about birds, books, bunnies, or whatever!