Category Archives: Snapshots

A tree’s prayer

“To the Wayfarer-
Ye who pass by and would raise your hand against me
Harken ere you harm me!
I am the heat of your hearth on cold winter nights,
The friendly shade screening you from the summer sun
My fruits are refreshing draughts,
Quenching your thirst as you journey on,
I am the beam that holds your house,
The board of your table,
The bed on which you lie,
And the timber that builds your boat,
I am the handle of your hoe,
The door of your homestead,
The wood of your cradle,
And the shell of your coffin.
I am the bread of kindness and the flower of beauty.
Ye who pass by, listen to my prayer; harm me not.”

A notice originally found nailed to a tree in Seville, Spain and found by me reprinted at the local arboretum.

Huckleberry whine

Is it just my aging eyes or is most of the type on this page suddenly very small and a different font than usual? Something wonky happened with my Blogger template yesterday, I think.

Anyway, I’ve been exhausted most of the week and haven’t done much of anything after work. The training for my new job has me all discombobulated – it’s amazing how tiring sitting on your butt for 8 hours straight can be! Thank goodness the classroom part of the training only lasts 3 weeks – I’m feeling like a caged animal when I get off work, yet when I get home, all I want to do is go to sleep.

Enough whining – sorry! The shrub pictured is Black Huckleberry, very common in the Pine Barrens, and a favorite of mine. I love the color of the flowers. There are a number of similar shrubs that grow in the Barrens, all in the heath family, and I’ve been trying to find most of them this spring. Some of the earliest bloomers are leatherleaf, which has little white flowers and which I saw most everywhere, bearberry which I didn’t find, but which has pretty white flowers edged with pink, and the highbush blueberry. In May and June the huckleberries bloom, as do staggerbush and fetterbush. All have the bell-shaped blooms that you associate with members of the heath family. Huckleberries produce edible fruit, but I’ve read that there are too many seeds for them to be enjoyable eating, yet I’m pretty sure I’ve heard mention of huckleberry jam and pie. Anyone know?

Moving on

Training for the new job starts tomorrow! My friends at work gave me quite a send-off this past week; there were multiple parties and lots of baked goods and gifts, leaving me to think maybe they’re glad to see me go.


Really, I’m not going far. I’ve been assigned to another office for a while, but I’m not sure where I’ll end up after the training period. You know how it is; with certain people you’ll be close regardless of the distance that separates you.

At day’s end today I boxed up my few things and tried to get my pending cases in some sort of order for my coworkers who will have to pick up where I left off. There’s no one to replace me right away, so everyone’s caseload will increase in my absence. I ought to be glad they weren’t throwing things at me as I left, for that reason alone.

Meaningful words of encouragement have come to me from surprising places. The reaction of some others to my promotion is not so surprising. I’ve been making the joke that I’m going over to the dark side by transferring to a social work position; among many caseworkers, social workers are often viewed as too softhearted and enabling. As a caseworker, my job was to know and to follow the rules – there wasn’t much room for leeway or kind-heartedness. It was also my job, I think, to know the loopholes in the law, or at least to know how to make the laws work for my clients. A lot of caseworkers don’t do that; everything is done by the book.

One of the awful questions I was asked during the interview process was to define a *good* social worker. Gosh! How could I answer that question without knowing much about the job? I mumbled some foolishness that must have been close enough to the *right* answer so as to not immediately flag me as inadequate, but really, I don’t know.

A clerical worker that I’ve known and respected since I first started at this job congratulated me today on the promotion and admonished me to be a *good* social worker, “Don’t be like most of ‘em,” she said. I hope tomorrow I’ll begin to learn just what that means.

A tall tree

How about some Borland? We haven’t had any for a while now.

“Every garden should have a tree nearby. A tall tree with broad bole and spreading branches, preferably with branches that start well down the trunk or with a low crotch from which a boy might climb. A tree which spreads its roots where it springs from the earth, firm based and strong against the storms.

This is a tree for man as well as boy, the man who has climbed his trees and now can sit beneath them in understanding. For him those branches offer shade and hospitality when the sun has seared his neck and the garden is only half weeded. He can rest his back against that broad bole in Spring, when the spading is half done. Weeding and spading that younger hands once hastened through.

There is reassurance at the foot of such a tree, as well as rest. The years have added to its strength and stature. The wind, the rain, the ice and the blistering sun have all gone into the toughness of its fiber. Its roots strike deep into the soil and find sustenance in the old, old hills.

Youngsters must climb trees, to look out across a world that is misty with adventure. New horizons can be seen from tall trees when one is young. But the time comes when one can sit at the foot of such a tree and see even further than the eye could reach from its highest branch. There are times when one can see all the way to Tarawa and Anzio and Guadalcanal and Cassino.” – Hal Borland, Sundial of the Seasons

Borland adds the footnote for those of us too young to remember that Tarawa, Anzio, Guadalcanal, and Cassino were battlegrounds of WWII.

The tree in this photo is one that I pay particular attention to on the days that I teach, because I pass by it on my way to the college. This photo was taken in late March when I began taking a photo every few weeks to track its progress through the seasons. I missed visiting for a few weeks when the semester first ended and on my most recent visit I found it in full leaf. It grows in a picturesque setting, on a slight rise beside a dirt road – set apart from the farmhouse and outbuildings that share the property.

More wildflower confusion

It’s a good thing the spring wildflower peak is just about done here because I have many more photos of mystery flowers than I have the time or patience to sort out. I found these blooming over the weekend in my brookside haunt; the jack-in-the-pulpit that I found there has since grown very tall and there’s still some spring beauties blooming. There could be other things hidden away there, but the understory is so full of garlic mustard that it would seem impossible to find anything else. My best guess for this flower is that it’s some type of cress – maybe spring cress? At first I thought bluets, then some type of flax, then maybe a speedwell of some sort – but have settled on cress because of the alternate leaves. Whatever it is there’s lots of it, but this is the only one that I found in bloom so far. It’s been quite fun to return each week and see what’s new and spend a little more time exploring the far ends of the greenway. The last two visits have been especially nice because of the spring migrants that are there in the woods and along the old horse pastures. This weekend I saw the first Indigo Bunting that I’ve seen in a long while and listened to it sing while I rested in the sunshine.

Same view, new season

I took these nearly identical photos of an abandoned cranberry bog in the Pine Barrens of NJ about 4 months apart. I hadn’t intended to, but guess that some views hold equal appeal, regardless of the season. I think I prefer the photo from late December below; our trip last week was too early for the plants to be showing very much color or any blooms to help identify them. Bev from Burning Silo had suggested a variety of loosestrife when I first posted the photo at the end of last year, but I’ll need a closer look later in the season to convince myself they’re not just cranberry vines run amuck. The working bogs have been drained of the water that protects the vines from freezing during the winter months – those plants are now showing the reddish/purple color seen below and will begin to bloom in the next few weeks. I hope to get back and take some photos of cranberry flowers as they’re quite unique in form.