Laura the thinker (lol!)

Vicki at Outside In tagged me as a *thinking blogger* – imagine that! On the off chance that you haven’t seen this meme a thousand times already, the idea is that once you’re tagged, you’re supposed to pass the fun along by linking to five other blogs that make you *think*.

I wouldn’t really consider myself a *thinker* – more like an occasional ponderer or idea tinkerer. The practice of writing something here each day formalizes my thinking process and offers me the opportunity to engage the thinking of you all, which is what I really enjoy. I think we’re a pretty *thoughtful* bunch, even if prone to occasional silliness.

In an effort to avoid what very much feels like a popularity contest I won’t choose five blogs from my sidebar to highlight. Most of you read them all anyway and know how delightful they are. Besides, most of you have already been tagged, I think! Instead, I’ve chosen a few blogs that I read regularly, but haven’t ever linked to. Most are blogs where I don’t comment often or at all, but lurk and think and quietly enjoy for one reason or another. They’re all *thinking bloggers* for sure, but there’s more. Have a look and find out for yourself.

Kelly at Kikipotamus the Hobo is a new friend from the Finding Water reading group. She is creative and whimsical and complex. Her writing is generous and her topics wide-ranging.

Lyn at Wandermuse is an artist/painter/photographer. She doesn’t post often; she’s too busy wandering around big sky country, but once in a while I peruse her archives and am inspired by her honesty and deep respect for the outdoors.

e4 at Green, Blue, Brown writes about farming, gardening, and parenting in Ohio. He’s always got something interesting going on with the goats, chickens or his errant children. He writes a great blog for *thinking green*.

A Tree Grower’s Diary has been a favorite for some time now, but Julie who blogs from NJ recently moved it into her other blog called A City of Nouns. Great photos and interesting tree stuff – have a look.
Another beautiful blog, Graf Nature Photography offers thoughts on nature and the environment as seen through the lens of a talented nature photographer. Good photo tips, too!
So that’s my five and that means I’ve finally finished the homework, Vicki! Thanks again for the compliment.

7 thoughts on “Laura the thinker (lol!)”

  1. See. Even your gentle acceptance of kudos is ‘thoughtful.’ Exactly why you are deserving, worthy and spot on for being tagged.

  2. Laura, I don’t know of anyone who deserves the award as much. I’ve been marveling at your “thoughtful” posts from the beginning of my blogging. You are an inspiration to a blogger like me who needs to think a little more before talking.

  3. Hi Laura,
    Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the link and kind words! Like you, I tend to lurk a lot on some blogs, and have popped in here from time to time to read all the interesting posts you have here.


  4. Laura- I have always thought your posts were thoughtful and extremely well-written. While I lean more toward picture captions, you write beautiful, thought-provoking posts.

  5. You deserve credit for consistently coming up with interesting and well written posts.
    I think that would be very difficulttask for most people.

    Now I’m going to take that Graf Nature Blog.

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