Things I love

1. Pretty horses that pose to have their photo taken. My love for horses is totally illogical; I know nothing about them, but love to look at them.
2. Flowers, and the critters that visit them.
3. Staying up late and sleeping in the following morning.

4. Walking in the woods, surrounded by birdsong.
5. Granny Smith apples and fresh strawberries.
6. The silence following a snowfall and the way it transforms a familiar landscape into something magical.
7. A new long-awaited book by a favorite author.8. The beach at any season, but particularly in the spring and fall with raptors migrating overhead.
9. Storytelling and the laughter of friends and family.
10. Afternoon naps. Not a luxury I indulge often, but wonderful when I have the chance.

In response to Endment’s post, which I came across this evening, just when I needed something to inspire me. Feel free to join us by sharing the things that you love.

8 thoughts on “Things I love”

  1. Well, for starters, I just love those photos! I want to pet that horse’s nose and walk along that beach. I miss New England beaches, especially the Cape. I don’t think I’d like it right now, though!

  2. I think it is a measure of a quality character, how many things a person loves.
    Things I love (other than people in my life):
    1. Frappuchinos from Starbucks
    2. The way Queen’s fur smells (she’s my oldest cat and her scent is maple syrup)
    3. Waking up at night and realizing that I have hours and hours until I have to get up
    4. Music that moves me
    5. Our flowering crabapple in the Spring
    6. Stained glass windows
    7. Museums
    8. An empty kitchen sink
    9. Good hair days

  3. Mary: I’ll look forward to your list.

    Bunnygirl: Horses are always far across the pasture, but this one came right up to the fence as I drove past – then my camera battery died after just two pics!

    Susan: Thanks for sharing your list – I like good hair days and clean sinks too – don’t see either often enough!

    Pablo: Yep, I’m a slacker. I could sleep all day.

    Naturwoman: Thanks. What’s not to love about horses and books?

    -llm: Great – I’ll look for it.

    Robin Andrea: I still haven’t learned to enjoy getting up early. Once I’m up I’m glad of it, but that getting out from under the warm covers is tough.

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