11 thoughts on “10/12/06 Mid-week bunny fix”

  1. Laura-
    Would you post a picture of yourself with these two bunnies so I can get a better idea of how big they are? They are so beautiful.

  2. Bunnygirl: Not little, but sweet, yes.

    Susan: Sure, but you gotta feed ’em!

    Lynne: lol! I have plans for a post just like you mentioned, because it’s hard to understand how big a 20 lb. bunny is. I just can’t seem to get the pictures I want to use for the post.

    Laura: Drafty cabin?

    Madcap: I’m not sure your allergies could stand them – they shed lots!

    Fiona Bun: Honestly, I think they like to feel the cold air on them from under the door!

  3. I have always wondered at the sale of those draft dodger things . . . now I know they are merely modeled after real life rabbits!

  4. Silverlight: I do like to sit on the floor with my feet between them.


    -llm.: Lol! These are better than the real thing – but they eat a lot of carrots for their keep.

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