10 thoughts on “You’ve got mail!”

  1. He always looks so innocent. I don’t believe he does those naughty things you say he does. More Luka, please.

  2. NCMountainWoman: I’m gld you enjoy his antics!


    Mojoman: Now that would be a trick!

    TheBunns: Long-distance lover?



    Cindy: Innocent… ha!

    This pic was staged, of course… I get out the camera and he comes running with wagging tail… what a ham!

    We’re working on training him to fetch the mail, or at least, not shred it. He’ll do most anything for a cookie, you know.

  3. More likely entitled “You’ve Got Fleas.” And one chewed shoe – from each pair you own. 😉

    He’ll do most anything for a cookie, you know.

    Hey, sounds like he’s from DC.

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