Birds, Wanderings, Whatever Something else you’ll never see… September 30, 2008 laurahinnj 12 Comments Now… I’m thinking those 3 on the right are Yellowlegs, but I’m pretty bad with shorebirds otherwise… 😉
You gotta love those guys. You must have more birds on a stick in NJ than real ones. And such variety. The rest of us have only flamingos.
Hmmm… I would’ve guessed Piped Plovers (plastic piped, to be exact) and Dowel-witchers, but I’m still an amateur at ID-ing by field marks.
You gotta love those guys. You must have more birds on a stick in NJ than real ones. And such variety. The rest of us have only flamingos.
HAHA! Flamingos!
🙂 🙂 Nice one.
I love it!
Love those shore birds! Call Peter Dunne for ID.
Dunlin, Short-billed Dowitcher, Greater Yellowlegs.
What’s the prize?
Kathi is a big show-off.
Looks like a committee.
“Who brought the crustaceans? Anyone?”
No, Kathi is a big BS artist, LOL!
You’re silly :o)
Hmmm… I would’ve guessed Piped Plovers (plastic piped, to be exact) and Dowel-witchers, but I’m still an amateur at ID-ing by field marks.
Kyle and All: Thanks for the giggles.
hee hee hee